How to Properly Design a Small Water System

Some people think a Small water system needs to be over-engineered, but I would say they are in the minority.  I am usually thankful for those kinds of customers, (besides the money I make when they want bigger and better) because they take pride in looking at their water system, and in knowing that it is providing them with the most important resource of all – Clean Water!

What we generally deal with, is something lesser though.  We get calls all the time where the pump was stolen and there is no water.  They probably would have limped along with what they had, but suddenly they are faced with no water, and some circumstance forces them to call us.  Sometimes it is a real estate sale, and other times it is an elderly person living there who has no one to assist.  We are happy to provide assistance, whatever the situation may be.

Unfortunately, some of the abandoned houses due to the recent mortgage crisis has caused a lot of wells to become contaminated due to broken pipes.  You see, criminals don’t care if they contaminate a well.  All they care about is stealing whatever they can get their hands on that is of value.  I have actually seen them pull up small gauge wire out of a ditch several hundred feet long just to steal the copper value of the wire!  Crazy!  I am positive the HVAC guys could really tell you some stories, but thankfully HVAC doesn’t usually contaminate ground water! The picture I am posting will most likely tell you everything about what we see when we deal with a pump theft.  I send the photo along with an estimate of what it will take to repair, including the need to sterilize the well.  It is such a shame that this happens.

Thanks for reading


Jody Anderson/owner