Using BOX.COM to Supercharge Well Inspectionsi

Our company digitized in the early 2000’s. Prior to that we used physical filing cabinets which almost maimed a secretary once…but more on that later!

Needless to say digitizing made a huge difference in efficiency. We started out using 2 GB storage cards back in 2005 or so…in 2007, I carried a copy on a Palm Treo- one of the first “smart phones”…I compared it to what the cellular phone did for our business…

But what cloud storage has done for my business is huge.

One of my biggest sales tools is the Well Inspection. Most companies don’t bother with trying to do these. I figured out a long time ago that a seller or buyer really just wants some assurance that the water is safe. In doing that, I get to verify if the well is properly set up and if upgrades might be needed. I then give an estimate on what is needed or wanted (there is a difference)…

This started out very simple, but very quickly escalated into a thriving part of my company.

We started using to store the information and then having it ready to share at a moments notice…that feature is invaluable!

I do dozens of well inspections a month and Realtors, Mortgage Brokers, Title Lawyers, and buyers/sellers all tell me how impressed they are with our digitized process.

It is so much more efficient than those old heavy filing cabinets- as one of my secretaries found out around 2008…I came in to work around 8 am one morning and got the secretary started scanning files to start our digitizing…I was just outside the office loading my service truck when I heard a scream- I ran into office and the secretary had been pulling a top file and had already removed the bottom files- the heavy steel cabinet pinned her against the wall! I managed to very quickly upright the cabinet, freeing her from those unwieldy ancient drawers…another way digital has saved us from an inefficient past…

Give us a call today and let us show you how we can help you with your water system needs…