Prevention of Well Problems

If you are looking for ideas about how to prevent catastrophic failure of a PVC cased well when the motor overheats, look no further, because we have it. Motor may overheat for any reason such as collapse of formation, pump end failure, piping failure (aka- cheap well driller syndrome), or check valve failure. I know…

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How to Properly Design a Small Water System

Some people think a Small water system needs to be over-engineered, but I would say they are in the minority.  I am usually thankful for those kinds of customers, (besides the money I make when they want bigger and better) because they take pride in looking at their water system, and in knowing that it…

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Here is some photos from this week…lightning is devastating! This weeks lightning has proved to be the worst we have had in some time.  It is not often that submersibles are damaged due to direct hits from Lightning.  I have one well that has a split casing and may need to be entirely replaced.  We…

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Video of a Well being developed

  We are all the time getting calls to rehabilitate old water wells.  A lot of these wells are over 50 years old.  This was the case with this well.  It is a 3″ water well with steel casing and we clean the rust out of the well bore, blow it out with high pressure…

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OH NO! I think the well went dry!

We get asked all the time why we have an old fashioned pitcher pump on the side of our truck.  All I say is that it is “a good looking diagnostic tool”. We get calls almost every week where someone says, ” I have worked on this well and even replaced the pump, and I…

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