Water Witching

Believe it or not, I still come across folks who believe in and actually pay to have their property “water witched”…or dowsing, as it is also referred to. I want to believe! But I have seen no credible evidence that this “method” of finding water actually works. It makes for great conversation at the company…

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Repairing a Failed Well

We get calls all the time to repair a failed well where someone needs water in a hurry. Sometimes wells go dry, and must be drilled deeper or sometimes they get clogged up with sand. When this occurs we may be able to repair the well at a fraction of the cost to replace the…

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Well tricks to know

Down South we have real problems with ants playing havoc with water systems. I have seen them build nests next to a well or under a tank in order to be protected by the relative uniform temperature of ground water. In the hot summer they are attracted to electricity for some strange reason. My biggest…

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